Show Case

Well Information System

Client: International Oil Company – USA

Out clients has more than 8000 advance rigs across the world. This rigs need to be planned to be utilized to work on which well based on rigs characteristic and nature of work on respective well. Factoring mobilization, consumable, manpower allocation, leading time of supplies, exchange rate movement, and other economical factor, to obtain a single system to streamline budget, forecast and actual entry of rig placement as well as tracking improvement plan is difficult to do.

What We do
Build an enterprise scale application to :
– Roll-up business planning, monthly & weekly forecast and actual capture of rig placement and operational efforts and costs
– Keep track of Performance Improvement Plan associated with respective rig
– Enable a configurable auto approval workflow of biz-plan and forecast
– Enable notification via email triggering by important business event
– Machine learning for rig allocation and cost definition

– Has been used for 3 years to do budget planning for 8000+ rigs
– Central tool for real time monitor of budget, forecast and actual
– Performance Improvement Plan monitoring and collaboration framework
– Globally adopted as enterprise solution for Well Planning and Monitoring

Windfarm Monitoring System

Client: Renewable Energy Company – India

Company is host for 5 wind plantations and 300++ wind turbine remotely located from head quarte.
Company has a need to monitoring performance of its turbine real time and consolidate the data from turbine with financial information to provide more insight for the company to define its strategy

What We do
– Read SCADA data from all turbines locally every 0.5 second, aggregate them and send to cloud server every 1 minute
– Consolidate and transform the data to build data model with time frequency of 1m, 10m,30m, 1h and 1d
– Build analytic dashboard to enable real monitoring
– Auto alarm via email to inform key-user on wind-farm downtime
– Machine learning to: predict power generation and next possible downtime, calculating wind loss energy and potency of wind loss, root cause analysis of downtime
– Trigger smart alarm to warn key-user on possible downtime or lost of power

– Central tool to perform real time monitoring performance of all plants and turbine
– Be immediately informed for any downtime, or potentially downtime or power loss risk due to various factors
– Better planning for turbine configuration and consumable supplies
– Better business insight

Business Enablement Dashboard

Client: International Bank – Singapore

Tight business competition make it imperative to track every initiative of improvement progress and collaborate about it. Also to strategize how these initiatives will be aligned with company vision

What We do
– Read initiative data from various sources: CRM System, BPM System, Excel
– Build web-form for high impact manual initiatives
– Enable collaboration on initiative
– Enable data tagging and additional entry of information to enrich monitoring
– Roll-up initiative progress and mapping it into respective company score-card

– Central tool to monitor and collaborate on initiative
– Better visibility and alignment of initiatives and company direction
– Real time balance scorecard progress and drill trough initiatives related to it

Well Information System

Client: International O&G company – USA

Out clients has more than 8000 advance rigs across the world. This rigs need to be planned to be utilized to work on which well based on rigs characteristic and nature of work on respective well. Factoring mobilization, consumable, manpower allocation, leading time of supplies, exchange rate movement, and other economical factor, to obtain a single system to streamline budget, forecast and actual entry of rig placement as well as tracking improvement plan is difficult to do

What We do
Build an enterprise scale application to :
– Roll-up business planning, monthly & weekly forecast and actual capture of rig placement and operational efforts and costs
– Keep track of Performance Improvement Plan associated with respective rig
– Enable a configurable auto approval workflow of biz-plan and forecast
– Enable notification via email triggering by important business event
– Machine learning for rig allocation and cost definition